Unique Herbal Remedy for Female Ailments
It Treat All Disorder Associated With The Menstrual Cycle.
It Increases Fertility, Longevity, Cures Weakness.
It Increases Breast Milk In Nursing Mothers.
It Regulates Hormonal Secretion.
It Regulate FSH and LH.
It Has An Anti-androgenic Effect And Prevents Ovarian Cell Dysfunction.
It Helps In Maintaining The Ratio Of Estrogen and Progesterone.
In Menstrual Irregularities In Women Like Dysmenorrhoea, Pre-menstrual Syndrome, Irregular Bleeding etc.
It Controls Hot Flushes, Osteoporosis, and Emotional Fluctuation In Females.
It Relieves Stress And Anxiety In Females
Saraco Indica - Ext.
Azadirachta Indica
- Ext.
Adhatoda Vasica - Ext.
Symplocos Recemosa
Asparagus Racemosa - Ext.
Leptadenia Reticuleta
Amaranthus Panniculatus
Rubia Cordifolia
Embelica O?cinalis
Zinziber O?cinale
Holarrhena Antidysenterica
Mesua Ferra
Withania Somnifera