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Narisudha is an excellent formulation which provide special benefits and strength to women health. Unique Herbal Remedy for Female Ailments

We believe in the saying that a “Healthy Woman, Healthy World”. This embodies the importance of women’s health. Narisudha is an excellent formula of different herbs designed to address common health issues of women. It can help in balancing the female hormonal system and may improve female reproductive disorders like infertility, decreased libido, threatened miscarriage, and menopause.

Unique herbal remedy for female ailments
To balance Female hormone level
To control manifestations of Menopause
To control hot flushes, osteoporosis and emotional fluctuation in females
To control any kind of menstrual irregularities
To manage Dysmenorrhea (Painful menstruation) or Menorrhagia To control DUB (Uterine Bleeding)
To control Pre menstrual Syndrome (PMT) in girls
Useful in conditions like hysterectomy, Tubectomy, anemia and severe weakness
To relieve stress and anxiety in females
For growth of Female reproductive organs
In case of Female Infertility
To control (Leucorrhea) white discharge in female
All ailments of female

Saraca Indica - Ext.
Azadirachta Indica - Ext.
Adhatoda Vasica - Ext.
Symplocos Recemosa
Asparagus Racemosa - Ext.
Leptadenia Reticuleta
Amaranthus Panniculatus
Rubia Cordifolia
Embelica O?cinalis
Zinziber O?cinale
Holarrhena Antidysenterica
Mesua Ferra
Withania Somnifera
Barberis Aristata
Micronized Corralium Rubrum
Mukta Sukti Bhasm
Mandur Bhasma
Purified Potash Alum
Vitis Vinifera
Salmalia Malabarica