• support@wellchoice.in
  • 8086003007
  • 8086203007
  • 10AM - 6PM

Heart Health

Heart health and heart disease are major concerns around the world, and it is the largest cause of death today. One in three men and one in four women developing heart disease during their lifetimes. A healthy heart helps you live longer and improves your quality of life. We are living in an era where we are not eating very healthy, not doing a lot of physical activity, and having a very stress full living. The regular use of alcohol and tobacco has also been increased over many decades. This type of lifestyle makes our hearts weak and more prone to diseases and issues. Having high cholesterol, triglycerides (a type of fat found in your blood), hypertension, arteriosclerosis (cholesterol plaque in the walls of arteries, causing obstruction of blood flow) is very common these days. If we live healthy adulthood, we will be able to live healthy aging. Having a healthy heart and keeping your heart healthy is a lifelong process.

Heart Nutrition

Therefore, it is very important to eat a healthy heart diet and active life if we wish to have a healthy heart. More often it is difficult for us to constantly eat heart-healthy foods due to scarcity or ignorance. We use a personalized approach to the clients combining the conventional medical line with cellular level nutritional supplements. This will completely reverse the cardiac damage and people can stop taking regular medicines in a few weeks/months’ time. We can also thus prevent the long-term complications coming out of heart diseases. To accomplish these goals, you’ll need a combination of Nutraceutical supplements that provide to you based on your lab test results and physical conditions.
