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  • 8086003007
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Kenkarsudha is a combination of several wonderful ingredients that flight against all types of cancer. It also helps the human body for Detoxification And Rejuvenation

Kenkarsudha is a combination of several wonderful ingredients that flight against all types of cancer. It also helps the human body for Detoxification And Rejuvenation

It Can Treat All Types Of Cancers.
Increase Detoxification And Rejuvenation.
Breast Cancer: The Most Common Cancer In Women.
Prostate Cancer: Which Is The Most Common Cancer In Men.
Colorectal Cancer: Develop Colorectal Cancer.
It Helps In Blood Cancer.
Liver Cirrhosis And Liver Cancer.

Green Tea (Camellia Sinensis)
Varunatwak (Crataeva Nurvala)
Udumbar (Ficus Racemosa)
Halasar (Curcuma Longa)
Kachuro (Cursuma Zedoaria)
Tulsi (Ocimum Sanctum)
Banafsa (Viola Odorata)
Kalonji (Nigella Sativa)
Dhamaso (Fagonia Arabica)
Kanchanar (bauhinia variegata)
Neem Pan (Azadirachta Indica)