The LeveLuk SD501 Platinum features a revamped modern design geared to match today's more stylish kitchens. The industry-leading continuous ionized electrolysis water generator system, the SD501 Platinum is the finest machine in its class. With the strongest electrolysis chamber available, fully equipped with a built-in electrolysis chamber, and featuring a large LCD panel and clear voice prompts, the SD501 Platinum is the leader of the pack.
The LeveLuk SD501 Platinum features a revamped modern design geared to match today's more stylish kitchens. The industry-leading continuous ionized electrolysis water generator system, the SD501 Platinum is the finest machine in its class.
The electrolysis chamber consists of 7 platinum-plated titanium plates. It is capable of generating 5 types of water – Kangen Water, Strong Alkaline Water, Beauty Water, Neutral Water, And Strong Acidic Water. It is equipped with a built-in electrolysis enhancer tank and prompted by a voice and LED Display.
The multi-language SD501 Platinum expertly speaks in 5 languages: English, German, French, Italian and Spanish!
1. Increase Hydration
The process of ionization reduces the size of the water molecular cluster by two-thirds. The cluster of water molecules takes on a hexagonal shape when ionized. Smaller, hexagonal water clusters are more able to penetrate the cellular membranes, enhancing tissue repair and waste removal. The amount of hexagonal water produced depends on the surface of the electrolysis plates and the electrical power devoted to ionization.
2. Balance Body pH
Kangen Water raises your source water pH by ionizing or splitting the water molecule (H2O) resulting in the ions H+ (hydrogen with a positive electrical charge), and OH- (hydroxyl with a negative electrical charge), as well as ionic alkaline minerals. This abundance of OH- ions increases the bicarbonate buffers in the blood, balancing the body and neutralizing and excreting acids and toxins.
3. Increase Blood Oxygenation transportation in the blood
Strong, fresh Kangen Water contains an abundance of hydroxyl ions (OH-) which donate free electrons to unstable oxygen free radicals, resulting in stable oxygen molecules. According to experts, drinking Kangen Water regularly will increase the amount of dissolved oxygen in the blood. Stable oxygen (a nonreactive oxygen molecule with evenly paired electrons – no electrical charge) provides us with mental alertness and is invigorating and energizing to the body.
4. Neutralize Free Radicals
According to Dr. Hidemitsu Hayashi, Director of The Water Institute Tokyo, Japan, because active oxygen is a free radical and can damage normal tissue, it is essential to remove it or neutralize it before it can cause damage to healthy tissue. “If we can find an effective method to block the oxidation of healthy tissue by active oxygen, then we can attempt to prevent disease,” Dr. Hayashi explains.
Kangen Water, with an abundance of hydroxyl ions (OH-), provides extra electrons that neutralize destructive free radicals circulating throughout the body. Kangen Water carries a high negative ORP (Oxidation Reduction Potential) when it is first produced, making it a potent anti-oxidant.
“When taken internally, the reduced ionized water with its redox potential, or ORP, of -250 to -350 mV readily donates its electrons to oddball oxygen radicals and block the interaction of the active oxygen with normal molecules,” Dr. Hayashi adds.
5. Makes Your Body Healthy
According to experts, 75% of our body consists of water. Subtle changes in the pH of the body’s “inner sea” can affect overall health, feeling of well-being, level of fatigue, pain, weight, and athletic performance. pH balance and acid buffering are crucial to human health and slowing the aging process.
In Japan hospitals and clinics have used purified, electrically restructured, hexagonal, ionized, alkaline Kangen Water, for over 40 years to treat several disease conditions. According to peer-reviewed scientific studies that have been performed in well-respected universities and hospitals around the world, drinking Kangen Water can:
Release excess body fat and stored toxins
Normalize blood sugar and insulin
Normalize blood pressure
Support healthy colon function
Resolve urinary tract infections
Relieve asthma and chronic respiratory infections
Stop abnormal gastro-intestinal putrefaction
Reduce proliferation of candida, fungus, and undesirable microforms
Reduce chronic pain
Improve wound healing