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Triphala, an ancient ayurvedic herbal blend is a combination of three fruits in equal proportion and considered to be balancing all three doshas according to Ayurvedic scriptures. Triphala has a unique ability to reduce hair fall as well as skin allergy.

Triphala, an ancient ayurvedic herbal blend is a combination of three fruits in equal proportion and considered to be balancing all three doshas according to Ayurvedic scriptures. Triphala has a unique ability to reduce hair fall as well as skin allergy.
It’s a mixture of 3 medicinal herbs which stimulate the digestion process and relieves constipation. Can help to reduce hair fall and skin allergy conditions. Triphala is one of the ancient herbal blends. Triphala has the unique ability to gently cleanse and detoxify the system while simultaneously replenishing and nourishing it. Triphala is taken as a general health tonic, usually prescribed to tone and strengthen the digestive system, particularly in cases of weak digestion and constipation, and has a mild laxative effect. It improves the function of the stomach and intestines.

1) Good blood cleanser
2) Relieves constipation
3) Enhances the digestion process
4) Improves hair growth and hair fall
